The exhibition poultry community is in crisis. Despite its rich history and dedicated members, the industry has become mired in secrecy and competition. It's time to shatter the illusion that this toxic atmosphere is necessary for success. The truth is, the zero-sum game mentality that has plagued our community for far too long is not only unproductive but also damaging to our very purpose.
Game Theory 101
In game theory, a zero-sum game is one where one player's gain comes at another player's expense. In the context of exhibition poultry, this means that for someone to win, someone else must lose. This mentality permeates our community, with many exhibitors and breeders viewing others as competition rather than potential allies.
Zero-sum thinking leads to a focus on individual success at the expense of the greater good. It fosters an environment where people are more interested in tearing each other down than working together towards a common goal. This is not only unproductive but also damaging to our community's reputation and future growth.
On the other hand, non-zero-sum games offer a win-win scenario for all parties involved. In exhibition poultry, this means that everyone can benefit from education, collaboration, and innovation. By sharing knowledge and resources, we can create a community where every member can thrive and grow.
Apathy in Action: The Youth Exhibition Poultry Association
The website is a stark example of apathy in action. Despite its promise to educate and promote the next generation of exhibitors, this website is riddled with 404 pages, outdated information, and broken links. Entire sections of the website are 404 - like the Showmanship pages. It's a sad reflection of the community's lack of investment in the future.
404 is a server response when the requested page is "Not Found"
To make things worse, the "Club Partners" pages don't work either. If an organization, such as ours, wanted to partner with YEPA, we can't even see the guidelines or the application. It's as if they don't want partners. What do the members think when they pay their membership fees, but the organization can't be bothered to even keep the website running. What are they doing with their money?
This is not an isolated incident. Many association and club websites are offline or poorly maintained, reflecting a broader apathy towards education and collaboration in our industry. This lack of effort has severe consequences for the future of exhibition poultry, as younger exhibitors are left without access to essential resources and knowledge.
This is the opposite of investing in the future. This apathy is a divestment, an example of self-sabotage that ensures that the next generation is less prepared to carry the torch and will have fewer peers and allies.
Can you really call yourself a winner if you're the only competitor?
Apathy is Killing the Community from Within
Apathy has led to self-sabotage in our community, with many exhibitors and breeders more interested in tearing each other down than working together towards a common goal. This toxic atmosphere stifles innovation, collaboration, and growth.
The consequences of this self-sabotage are far-reaching:
- Limited access to knowledge and resources
- Competition over collaboration
- A lack of investment in education and training
These factors have a devastating impact on individuals and the community as a whole. By perpetuating a zero-sum mentality, we're creating an environment where only a select few can thrive.
The Future is Collaboration, Education, and Growth
TXIFOA is committed to changing this narrative. Through our education initiative, we aim to create a more collaborative and supportive community where every member can grow and succeed.
We believe that by embracing non-zero-sum thinking and working together towards common goals, we can:
- Create a community that values knowledge-sharing and innovation
- Provide access to essential resources and training for all members
- Foster a culture of collaboration and mutual support
Join us in creating a new way forward for the exhibition poultry community. Let's work together to build a brighter future where everyone can thrive.
Be The Change
The exhibition poultry community is at a crossroads. We can continue down the path of apathy, self-sabotage, and competition, or we can choose a new way forward. By embracing non-zero-sum thinking and working together towards common goals, we can create a more collaborative, supportive, and innovative community.
As someone who is not invested in the day-to-day politics and rivalries of the exhibition poultry community, I am uniquely positioned to look at the industry as a whole and identify areas that can be improved. As a software developer, my background has given me the skills to analyze complex problems and develop solutions that benefit everyone involved. While some may view my involvement as an outsider as a liability, I believe it is actually a strength - I am not beholden to any particular faction or interest group, and I am free to speak truth to power without fear of reprisal.
So, I ask you: are you willing to join me in working towards a brighter future for exhibition poultry? Are you prepared to put aside petty squabbles and rivalries and work together towards common goals? If so, then let's do this - let's build an industry that is truly greater than the sum of its parts.
It's time to shatter the illusion that secrecy and competition are necessary for success. Let's work together to build a brighter future for exhibition poultry, one where every member can thrive and grow.