Item 1. Welcome and Call to Order by Chairman Locke
- The meeting was called to order by Chairman Coleman Locke at 8:33AM.
- The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Item 2. Roll Call for Commission Members
- Commissioner Vermedahl was absent from the meeting.
- A motion to excuse the absence was made and seconded, and passed.
- The remaining commissioners were present for the roll call.
Item 3. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
- There were no public comments or discussions regarding the minutes from the previous meeting.
- A motion to approve the minutes was made and seconded, and passed.
Item 4. Report on Agency Operations and Affairs
- The Commission received an update on agency operations, including staffing levels and recent hires.
- The Rural Veterinary Incentive Program (RVIP) was discussed, including an increase in funding for rural counties with populations over 150,000.
- A new website for the RVIP program was launched, and applications are now being accepted.
Item 5. Presentation of Field Animal Health Programs and Disease Traceability
- The Commission received an update on field animal health programs, including staffing levels and recent inspections.
- Cattle Fever Tick (CFT) quarantines were discussed, with a total of 42 infested herds in May 2023.
- Other animals affected by CFT include:
- Bovine: Affected by the presence of CFT
- Feral swine: May be exposed to CFT
Item 6. Presentation of Disease Information and Epidemiology Activities
- The Commission received updates on various animal diseases, including:
- Bovine Tuberculosis (TB): Total tested in May 2023 were 4,237, with 37 positive results.
- Trichomoniasis: Total bulls tested in May 2023 were 1,652, with 7 positive PCR results and 79 culture-positive results.
- Fever Ticks: A total of 42 infested herds in May 2023.
- Foreign Animal Disease (FAD): One suspected case of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) was reported in a bovine herd.
Item 7. Presentation of USDA Veterinary Services Program Update
- The Commission received an update on the USDA Veterinary Services program, including staffing levels and recent activities.
- Cattle Fever Tick Eradication Program (CFTEP) staff are currently serving as Acting Veterinarians-in-Charge due to a vacancy.
Item 8. Audit Subcommittee Report
- The audit subcommittee meeting was discussed, with no deficiencies found in the Communications Department.
- FY2023 and FY2024 Internal Audit Plans were outlined and approved by the committee.
Item 9. Budget Status Report
- The Commission received an update on the agency's budget, including projected revenues and expenses for FY2023 and FY2024.
- A total of $15,478,723 was expended in FY2023, with a balance of $3,592,712 remaining.
- Federal Cooperative Fund summary showed a need to spend $54,566 on the 21 CFT Fence Project.
Item 10. Consideration of and Possible Action Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
- The Commission approved the FY2024 budget, which includes funding for 10 new FTEs and equipment to assist DPS/TDA with inspection points.
- The total budgeted revenue is $21,679,880, including $1,780,000 from SB 30.
Item 11. Consideration of and Possible Action on Agency Contracts and Purchases
- The Commission approved various contracts, purchases, and leases for FY2024.
Item 12. Consideration of and Possible Action on Orders Related to Commission Rule Violations
- The Commission approved orders related to commission rule violations.
Item 13. Consideration of and Possible Action on Adoption of Proposed Rules
- The Commission adopted proposed amendments to Chapter 40, Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), including:
- Amendments to §40.1, concerning Definitions
- Amendments to §40.2, concerning General Requirements
- Amendments to §40.5, concerning Surveillance and Movement Requirements for Exotic CWD Susceptible Species
Item 14. Consideration of and Possible Action on Proposed Rules
- The Commission proposed amendments to:
Item 15. Closed Executive Session to Receive Legal Advice
- A closed executive session was held to receive legal advice.
Item 16. Closed Executive Session to Deliberate on Employee Matters
- A closed executive session was held to deliberate on employee matters.
Item 17. Reconvene to Consider Action Needed Following Closed Executive Session
- The Commission reconvened to consider any action needed following the closed executive session.
- A motion was made to establish a committee of three commissioners to act as a selection committee to search for the next Executive Director.
Item 20. Presentation of Awards and Recognition
- No awards or recognition were presented at this meeting.
Item 21. Public Comment
- No public comment was provided during the meeting.
Item 22. Set Date for Next Commission Meeting
- The date for the next commission meeting was not set, but will be posted on the agency's website when it is scheduled.
Item 23. Adjournment
- The meeting adjourned at 11:47AM.