Item 1. Welcome and Call to Order by Chairman Locke
The meeting was convened by Chairman Coleman Locke at 8:30 AM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Item 2. Roll Call for Commission Members
Commissioner Payne was absent, but her absence was excused.
The remaining commissioners were present and accounted for.
Item 3. Closed Executive Session to Receive Legal Advice, Discuss Pending or Contemplated Litigation, and Settlement Offers
A closed executive session was held at 8:33 AM to discuss legal matters and potential litigation.
Item 4. Closed Executive Session to Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of Specific Commission Employees
Another closed executive session was held at an unspecified time to discuss personnel matters.
Item 5. Reconvene to Consider Any Action Needed Following Closed Executive Session
The meeting reconvened at 10:10 AM with no action needed following the closed sessions.
Item 6. Approval of Minutes of the 419th Meeting
There was no discussion or public comment on the minutes, and they were approved as presented.
Item 7. Report of Executive Director and Approval of Waiver and Variance Requests
The executive director reported on various agency activities.
Three waiver requests were submitted for approval:
Trichomoniasis: A request was approved to allow separation of negative pooled trich sample on bulls sold at a sale to meet a receiving state's requirements.
Pullorum Typhoid: A request was approved to allow entry of a zoo-raised Harpy Eagle without a PT test, as the facility of origin had never had a PT incident and the Eagle had a CVI and AI test prior to entry to another zoo facility.
Avian Influenza: A request was approved to allow entry of turkeys prior to regulatory testing to reduce stress on birds in the shipment.
Item 8. Presentation of Animal Health Programs and Disease Traceability Activities
The agency reported on various animal health programs, including:
Animal Disease Traceability (ADT): The ADT program had filled a vacant position to assist with customer service calls and tag distribution.
Scrapie Identification Market Letter: Sheep and goat markets were being educated about scrapie and provided with printed copies of the letter for inclusion in mail with checks.
Item 9. Presentation of Emergency Management Activities
The agency reported on emergency management activities, including:
Panhandle Wildfires: TAHC had increased its posture and conducted various activities to maintain situational awareness during the wildfires.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Poultry: TAHC had depopulated 10 houses of commercial poultry due to HPAI, and was conducting environmental sampling.
Item 10. Presentation of Disease Information and Epidemiology Activities
The agency reported on various disease information and epidemiology activities, including:
Milk Drop Syndrome: A coordinated investigation survey had been conducted to determine the cause of milk drop syndrome in cattle herds.
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD): There were 12 confirmed cases of CWD in Texas.
Equine Piroplasmosis: There was one positive case of equine piroplasmosis.
Item 11. USDA-VS Report
The US Department of Agriculture's Veterinary Services (VS) reported on various activities, including:
Staff numbers: VS had reached a total of 33 employees in Texas.
HPAI response: VS had been involved in the HPAI response and had provided support to TAHC.
Item 12. Budget Status Report
The agency reported on its budget status, including:
FY 2024 Budgeted Revenue: $18,424,880
Fiscal Year 2024 Expenditures (Agency Level): Various expenditures were reported, including salaries and wages, other personnel costs, professional fees and services, fuels and lubricants, consumable supplies, utilities, travel, rent, building, rent-machine, and other operating expense.
Item 13. Consideration of and Possible Action on Agency Contracts and Purchases
The agency reported on various contracts and purchases for consideration by the commissioners, including:
Contracts: Various contracts were presented for approval.
Purchases: Various purchases were presented for approval.
Leases: Various leases were presented for approval.
Item 14. Presentation of Compliance Activities
The agency reported on compliance activities, including:
Promotion of Clint Sturrock to Investigations Manager: Sturrock was promoted to Investigations Manager.
New Road Stop Enforcement Investigator positions: TAHC had been allocated 10 full-time employee positions for road stop enforcement.
Item 15. Reconsideration of Commission Orders
The agency presented reconsideration of commission orders, including:
Adoption of the Final order: The final order was adopted as presented.
Item 16. Consideration of and Possible Action on Orders Related to Commission Rule Violations and Proposals for Decision
The agency presented consideration and possible action on orders related to commission rule violations, including:
Orders: Various orders were presented for approval.
Item 17. Presentation of Petitions for Rulemaking
The agency presented petitions for rulemaking, including:
Entry Requirements and Scrapie: A petition was submitted to change the entry requirements for scrapie.
Malignant Catarrhal Fever Caused by a Ruminant Gamma Herpesvirus: A petition was submitted to propose enforcement rules for the detection of ovine herpesvirus-2.
Item 18. Consideration and Possible Action on Adoption of Proposed Rules
The agency presented consideration and possible action on adoption of proposed rules, including:
Chapter 40.6, Chronic Wasting Disease: Amendments were proposed to mitigate the risk of CWD in Texas.
Chapter 49, Equine: Amendments were proposed to incorporate the thoroughbred testing requirement waiver.
Item 19. Consideration and Possible Action on Proposed Rules
The agency presented consideration and possible action on proposed rules, including:
Chapter 59, General Practices and Procedures: Amendments were proposed to establish the same set of responsibilities when partnering with local authorities.
Item 20. Awards and Recognition
There was no presentation during this meeting.
Item 21. Public Comment
Public comment for regulation proposals was made at the time of rule discussion and during the public comment agenda item.